
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Uncommon fun sports to try

Hey world, welcome to another edition of Athlete's Planet. This blog will be a little different from the previous ones; no workouts, tips or guides. In this blog i'll list 2 uncommon sports that are fun to try and could be an interesting twist on the average common sports.

#1: Tchoukball 

Tchoukball is unlike any sport you've seen before.According to the Wikipedia page, it is a sport that is played in a gym with two diagonal trampolines (called rebound frames) on each end of the court and with seven players at once playing. The point is to throw the ball off the rebound frame so that the other team can't catch it. You can throw the ball off of either frame on either end, so you're team should be equally on both sides to be ready to catch the ball. When your team has the ball, you can only do a maximum of 3 passes before throwing it at the frame and you can't take more than 2 steps with the ball in your hands. The ball must land in-bounds and can't land in the "restricted area" which is an area directly in front of the frame and the size depends on the gym. When the other team has the ball, you can't intercept a pass they throw or block it. However if they drop the ball at any time, possession goes to the other team from that spot. This sport is a high intensity sport with a lot of up and down running which can be lots of fun. The first time I tried this sport was back in the 8th grade, and it has been interesting to me ever since. I have not played it that much since then but I remember how fun it was.

#2:  Ultimate Frisbee
This sport is like a version of football but played with a Frisbee. The game begins like a football game, where there is a coin toss to see who gets possession, and the other team must perform a long throw (like a kickoff) to the other team on the opposite side of the field in their end zone. Once the other team receives the disc, it becomes like tchoukball. When you catch you must come to a stop, and then can only move your non pivot foot. You then have 10 seconds to throw the disc to a teammate. The defending can try and bother the throw, but must remain 3 meters away from the thrower. If he is not 3 meters away, then the thrower can take as much time as he wants.  If the Frisbee is dropped or goes out of bounds, it goes to the other team. If it is intercepted or blocked, the disc also changes possession. This variation of football is a fun alternative with good energy. I myself have never played a real game of ultimate Frisbee, but I know of a few people who do play in a league and they say it's lots of fun. I'll be sure to give it a try one of these days. 

Try these 2 sports for a refreshing change from the more common sports and to try something new.

Until next week!



  1. It`s hard to believe there are so many sports out in the world that no one really knows about. My gym class used to play tchoukball, but every time they played it, I was never there. I was quit dissapointed in my luck. I would really enjoy playing tchoukball and ultimate frisbee.

  2. I'm a multi-athlete and I play many sports such as basketball, volleyball, soccer, badminton and track. The more common sports most athletes play. I've played tchoukball and ultimate frisbee in gym class every year in high school. They are extremely fun sports that incorporate a lot of leadership and team cooperation. Other sports like these that a lot of people don't know about are kin-ball and team baseball. I think gym teachers should incorporate more co-op games like these in their classes over actual sports because it's easier to evaluate teamwork and leadership skills of the kids in the class.

  3. I've played ultimate Frisbee when I was younger and it was always incredibly fun and high-paced.

    Remember to give us your source and your opinion on these two crazy sports.

  4. i remember in grade 10 gym we used to play tchoukball, it was a very fun experience because theres alot of running and not to mention everybody in my class was very competitive, my team won most of the time though.

  5. I always tried to played these uncommon sports but I just cant enjoy them the same way as I would hockey or baseball. I suppose that its because of the lack of representation these sports have. I mean I'm attempting to get an athletic scholarship for baseball but no universities have tchoukball. Also these sports don't yet have a nostalgic dream feeling yet. You know the feeling when your young and you first step on the court and think I could be the next Kobe. It may be because there are no legends in these sorts for the youth to look up to.
